Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Life in the USA-Southeast Style!

A Mosey Down the Road...

As I mentioned in a past post, "I Start Walking Tomorrow!" (See the side margin for link : ), I've been walking with my wonderful daughter-in-law 3 mornings a week. Each morning we discover new beauties along our way....

Large boulders keep falling from this "cliff" on the roadside of our property as erosion continues. We are trying to slow the process by depositing our trimmings, etc over the top to try and encourage a buildup of compost-thus helping plants to  grow.  

This creek used to be the border of our property. The flood of 1995 re-routed  it a bit.

Lichens are abundant around our property...Here they found a happy home on my neighbor's wooden mailbox!

Nature decorates like no other...We woke up to a "spider web wonderland" as the dense fog lifted with the sunrise.

This clever creature creates a tunnel for a trap!

This web was only about 2 inches across...

The tiny hunters were set up all along the roadside-as far as we could see!

Sunrise just about to break out of treeline

...and spill out onto our path!

Hope that you enjoyed our little stroll today.  My daughter-in-
law's app said that we walked 2mi! 
Image result for walking fitness app for android
Except for pausing to take photos, we managed to get a little workout. It makes me feel good just to be disciplining myself to get out and get going! I even made myself a fantastic salad for lunch!

...gotta share the beauty! 
Until next time,

Oh, and I finally DID get those "Painted Paisley" Jamberry wraps! Here they are on me:

*****  Please comment on and share this post if you enjoyed our time together : )  *****


  1. Love this...not the spider webs, but love "walking" with you and Caroline 😊

    1. You are always welcome, of course! In fact, you are an inspiration to me : )
