Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Come on, be honest! You KNOW you're already thinking that you never did get around to carrying out those resolutions from LAST year. Am I right? No? Well, I guess I'm the only naughty girl then ; )
     Don't let's be too hard on ourselves. After all, there were all of those unforeseen circumstances that kept popping up. And time has a way of absolutely f l y i n g by. Before you knew it, the year was half over!

     Before this starts to go south, let me redirect our thoughts into a more proactive, positive stream...
...We've made it through another year! Our bodies have carried out countless commands for us on a daily basis without so much as a... well... OK,  it did put up a bit of a fuss those few times...But overall it's been nothing less than an outright miracle!

     I say that we should not allow ourselves to feel badly about the underachieving that we may be tempted to accuse ourselves of, but instead, CELEBRATE the privilege of looking forward to the opportunities that the coming year will afford us. Let's go ahead and DREAM big again this season...Hope those HOPES. Set those GOALS. List those PRIORITIES!!! WOO HOO!...I'm feeling pumped already!

     Personally, I really DO need to take better care of ME...It's not a selfish thing to take actions to nurture your body, mind and spirit. It's really one of the best things you can do for those others in your circle of life! When we are more fit, positive and prepared, we can be more able to GIVE.

     As someone's  grandmother probably used to say, "You can't draw water from an empty well!"


     Let's celebrate LIFE this season, and encourage each other to look AND plan forward to a NEW YEAR! 

      I'd love to hear how you are making plans to head into the new year on the "right foot"! Please comment below and share---You can't get too much encouragement!

Visit Again Soon! 




  1. Great idea for encouraging health! Working from home, it's easy for me to get tied to my computer. My #1 goal is to force myself to take a midday break and get outside for a run or walk around the block. Sunshine is wonderful for rejuvenating mind and body.

    1. Thanks Jan! Yeah, this blog is intended to motivate and encourage---sharing these kinds of tips etc. with each other makes for proactive, positive, and productive community. Feel free to share and recommend this blog " ) Your midday "break" is super advice!...and making it a HEALTHY one, with fresh air and activity (VS. just grabbing a brownie and coffee, GUILTY " O...
