Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Some say that beauty is IN the eye of the beholder...

     Does that mean that it exists within the beholder's "eye", or perception, and is therefore completely subjective? What are the effects of beauty on our selves or those around us? 
     Well, however it's perceived or communicated, we probably agree that it usually has a POSITIVE effect on us! I've joined some groups on Google+ just for the purpose of having what I consider to be beautiful photographs of nature, etc. in my regular feed. I enjoy taking/sharing photos of things I consider to be beautiful with others " ) 

***It FEELS like doing something GOOD...***

     So in that spirit, and with that intention, here's some beauty....At least from this beholder's perception!

 Fresh veggies and herbs grown in my own garden this summer...

My amazing surroundings today...

     Yes, I am privileged to be accompanying my dear hubby on a work trip! I brought along my laptop and a stack of books to browse. It's unseasonably warm here on the Gulf...Just a few peeps. Hoping to spend lots of time studying ( The last of my children is nearing the end of her homeschooling days, and I am beginning to look ahead to possible productive and fun ways to engage myself!) as well as honing my internet skills---You don't feel like a guinea pig, do you, lol?

     I'd love to hear what some other folks have done after their intense child rearing days transitioned into the "next season". Please comment on and share this post---

Share Beauty Today!
PS-I'm still REALLY ENJOYING the AVON Anew Ultimate skincare...Will be adding the night cream to my regimen in a few days, then my basics will be complete! I HAVE noticed more moisturized, plump skin-especially around my eyes where I was noticing the most distress...If you are not experiencing the best your skin can be,  you may want to try this complete line. My Avon Lady's link is just to the right, in the margin. She'd love to help you find JUST WHAT YOU NEED~

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