...Well, here's what I'm doing to prepare to accomplish more of my goals for this coming year---
Perhaps you'd like to join me? We can encourage each other along the way; help to keep one another motivated and accountable...
One of my first priorities is to make a thoughtful list of the goals that I would like to accomplish or begin in the coming year. I'm going to gather together my tools: old fashioned pen and paper and a fresh cup of nice, hot, Columbian coffee : )
Then I'm going to begin to write down the things I've been letting float around in my head for several months now---putting them down onto paper somehow "grabs" them out of the atmosphere and corals them long enough for me to consider their position in my order of priorities!
This is not a quick planning session mind you, oh no. This process may take days or even weeks of tweaking. In all honesty, I have found that this list is actually fluid. Alive at times. It really has to be...What with the way life keeps throwing curve balls and popping out from behind the trees!...
...BUT, we DO need a plan. Do you know the saying, "If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail."? I have found this to be very true in my life. I've been overwhelmed and ran over at times by all that was happening in our home. Out of control. Chaos pure and simple. I know what that feels like first hand, and it's not pretty. Not only that, it doesn't achieve the desired results.
I began to ask how some people, with the same 24hrs in their day as I have, managed to achieve goals. Do you know the answer that I discovered? learned how to 1) set goals, 2) prioritize those goals, and then 3) SAY NO to the things that would come up that would interfere with the carrying out of those tasks leading to accomplishing those goals!
I Immediately identified a personal weakness of mine. I have a hard time saying "no". Can you relate? Well, the good news is, that when you have thoughtfully created a priority list of your goals and related tasks, you then feel more of a motivation to stick to your plans. It's kind of like giving yourself permission to say no to other things---which for me was a breakthrough discovery! I wasn't being mean or careless. I was being intentional. And that leads to achieving results. Now THAT'S beautiful! ...
Peace Out,
Lisa : )
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