Monday, January 25, 2016

 A Seasonal Day Down on the "Farm"

Here are some more shots from around the place the last couple of days...Just wanted to share a peek from our little corner of the world...
"Poppie" and granddaughter cleaning the goat barn in preparation for the new kids

A view of the full-to-the-brim pond

This old house gets a new window!

Canna garden...come back again to see it in the summer!

As with the cannas, this camellia was simply loaded with blossoms! Unfortunately I didn't take a picture before the frost got them...They made it further than they usually do though. We live in an odd sort of place on the back side of a large hill where the sun doesn't reach until later than the surrounding land, so the temps drop lower and stay lower longer making for early and late frosts.

The "Secret Garden" Winter's trance.

Cold and dozey goldfish dreaming of warmer days.

No apple! Don't blossom yet!

Hope you enjoyed this little tour. As I walked the place, I did notice the beauty of the blue sky and sunshine---and the crisp, clean air was invigorating as well! I'm thankful for the peace that we enjoy here, and the freedom to have our hobby farm lifestyle.  I do not take these blessings for granted. I am aware that there are many who are not experiencing them right now. I pray for them (you?) every day....Please feel free to comment below and share this blog with your friends and family! I would love to hear from you...Where are you from? What is your world like? I will continue to post updates and seasonal "tours" periodically if you all are interested.

Where's YOUR Beauty for Living?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Good morning blogger world !

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 It is another beautiful day in the rolling countryside of Southeast USA :-)

We had a freeze last night, so there was a lovely covering of frost on everything this morning for my 8 a.m. walk with my dear daughter in law.
Now I'm sitting in the sunny crispness on my front porch swing with my cup of fresh, hot Colombian, awaiting the Farrier...

Lady, (a registered Tennessee Walker), and Splashmanian Devil, (a registered American Paint Horse), are both in their senior years enjoying a lot of free time-but they are still pleasant and ridable. Lady sports an especially thick coat of winter hair! I like to chase them around the pasture for our exercise time together some days. I don't have a round pen, so they like to try and hide in the corners and behind the trees, but I always "find" them, lol " )  They've gotten used to our little game, and keep looking at me to give them the signal to come in to the center with me for a horse treat and a good scratch! 

My New Skincare Update:
This is the line that I am trying out now...
So far, I'm really liking it. I DO see and feel a difference in my skin! I will say though, that it only takes a tiny bit of the Day Cream to do the job. It is a richer feeling cream than the Night Cream, (Counter to what you would expect), but I think it is because it contains SPF. I have found that gently "patting" it on using your fingertips all around your face and neck works well. 
AVON has a complete line of skincare for ALL types of skin---from teens on up. They also have a Naturals line! 
Clearskin® Collection


Just click on an image to connect with the AVON estore!
You can curl up with your mug of hot drink in your PJ's and shop 24/7....But you already knew that ; ) My AVON lady, Barbara Hardison has been great, and I'd like to support her business! Please fill her name in on the Representative Search and shop her store, won't you?
By the way, I see that AVON has a FREE SHIPPING offer right now! AND the skincare is on sale!
 Click HERE to learn more about how AVON is a world leader!
Click HERE to learn how AVON is a world leader!

Well folks, I'd better go get the meat out of the freezer for dinner. I could sit here and chat with you for hours; there are SO many things we could talk about and share! SO many ways to add touches of beauty to our little world of influence. Don't forget to take time out for beauty today-observe it in your surroundings-surely there's something! If not,.....create some!! One of my absolute favorite sayings of late is:

"BE the change you want to see in the world..."

Go and Beautify!
(Then please come back and share how you did that where YOU are " )

Until next time, 

PS- I have LOTS to learn about this computerland, but I'm loving it!-If you have trouble with the elements in this blog, feel free to tell me .

Friday, January 15, 2016

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PLAN "B"...

OK, so it's raining on your New Year's walking-for-fitness plan for today. What to do? Well...

...I just happen to have saved a plan to my phone that was created by a ballerina determined to return to condition after an injury some time ago. This plan looks like it would work for just about anyone who has been out of the fitness "loop" for awhile, and prefers a slow, stepwise, REALISTIC approach to getting back into the swing of things! I'm actually planning to do this each day before walking. There is a series of charts so that you can progress with your conditioning!
Goodbye baby fat!:
Find the rest of this series here:

Well, off I go to check on and feed the animals!...(Our goat does are due any day with their kids!!) I've already made black eye peas with peppers, onions, and turkey for dinner. I'll start the rice and get a loaf of bread in the machine a bit later. The laundry is humming away, my oldest daughter (27) is getting ready to head off to work (after just showing me her fabric finds and gifting me with this!):
Hmmm....What shall I make?

 My youngest daughter (soon to be 14!) is getting chores done and will be ready for one-on-one school time with me soon...Youngest son (20) is laboring away at a mill that he manages, and Dear Hubby is doing his Safety Professional thingy " )

Live Long...and Keep Reaching!
There is Beauty for Living " )

If you liked this post please share it and feel free to comment below to add your 2cents to the mix!


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Image result for custom jamberry wrapsMust-Haves for Vintage Beauty!!

Come to My 24/7 Online Party Through Jan. 24th and choose from endless designs...
(Sorry, USA only)
OK, I'm excited!...I've been growing my nails for several weeks now, and have been keeping my eye on the up-and-coming company, Jamberry Nails. Well I was doing quite nicely, thank you, resisting the temptation to take a closer look at their (really cool and amazing variety of) designs, when my sister-in-law, Becky, posts THESE vintage beauties!!

As if that weren't enough, Jamberry even offers the option for you to upload your own images to create a totally custom and unique set of wraps for yourself or as a gift!

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Come on over and see what deals Becky has to offer us-Invite friends too to accumulate entries into a great drawing for a FREE gift card!
Image result for custom jamberry wraps
Today's beauty word:  "Beauty is a great set of nail wraps from Jamberry Nails!"

Image result for Alabama jamberry wraps
Not into football....BUT  " )
Happy Shopping!


Sunday, January 10, 2016


I Start Walking Tomorrow!

How are Y'all doing on your New Year's Resolutions? Well, honestly, mine got postponed a tiny bit because our Holidays didn't really end until my sweet Sis left to travel home to Ohio the other day. 
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Then it was the weekend, and, well....Might as well begin the new schedule on Monday! ; )
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Today's goal is to complete this post and then get the remainder of the Christmas stuff back up into the attic...(Slight "Ugh"...)

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Finally, I will make a draft of this week's schedule. I've learned to give myself "permission" to have an alterable schedule. Once upon a time, long, long ago, this wasn't so...and it also wasn't pretty! I tend to be a very controlling, perfectionistic, visionary. 
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Of course I never live up to the standard myself. So, to make life around here more tolerable (and even GOOD!) for everyone concerned, I've decided to try to be more realistic

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This realism is based on many years of experience, trial and error, and failures---with a few successes thrown in for good measure. Now I actually believe we'd be considered to be just.....

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So here's to the beginning of your beautiful New Year! Hope that you can experience some of the dreams and goals come true that you have imagined. Please share this post if you liked it, and comment below with any contributions : )

Attic, here I come!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

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Who is "TED"? 

(And what does he know about BEAUTY?)

T.E.D. is the abbreviation for Technology, Education, and Design. It's a series of talks delivered by people from all walks of life with an idea or passion to share. The speakers generally have exceptional insights and experiences, or abilities to communicate and connect with their audiences. 

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The range of topics is tremendous, and each talk is almost certain to expand your thoughts at least a wee bit. This week, the topic was, "Beauty". It was very interesting. You may want to give it a listen---and please share your responses in the comment section of this post!

Link to T.E.D. talks about BEAUTY here

Have a safe, wonderful, and beautiful weekend,

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Monday, January 4, 2016

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Tools for Enacting Your New Year's Resolutions!

Hi again, It's Lisa here. I've been excited these past few months anticipating the positive changes that I wanted to make in my everyday life. Then 

the BIG DAY 

    the 1st.  

Image result for happy new year 2016
(By the way!)

I guess I figured I would start my "no more refined sugar unless its a bona fide special occasion" today. A person can change their mind, right?  I mean, this is still technically a holiday...right? 

Anyway, I wanted to share some tools with you that I have found on youtube that have really inspired me. Whether you are wanting to improve your personal efficiency, sales success, or desperately need to define a path for your future-you'll find help here:  

As a matter of fact, I have subscribed to his channel. He is a very good motivational speaker who makes you feel like anything is possible! BUT he does make it clear that self-discipline is the foundation that all other success is built upon.(This is where I will need to begin!)

Another delightful youtuber who posts very encouraging and inspiring videos is Dominique Sachse at:  
                                                                       Image result for makeup
...She covers everything from, "10 Ways to Wear a Scarf", to a tour of her beautiful home, to How-to's for glamour and fitness! She's refreshingly humble and sweet, but sassy enough to be fun : 

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Another way to gain insights and inspiration for us hard copy book lovers, is to go to your local library or book traders and enjoy the luxury of browsing the many offerings there. Personally, I like to buy my own copy because I just about HAVE to read with a pen or highlighter in my hand! For those borrowed treasures, I have an old-fashioned lined notebook which I fill with pages upon pages of outlined advice---transforming it into my very own "Success Handbook", lol

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It helps to realize that developing direction and breaking that down into goal-oriented steps will take time and effort, but learn to actually ENJOY the process...because that's what it really is---a process. It feels good just to get started though, so there's reward right from the get go!

Hope you find some hope and inspiration in these resources. Please do leave your thoughts and personal experiences in the comments, and share this blog with those of your friends and family who may benefit or contribute! Thank you for stopping by and do come again, because...

