Sunday, January 10, 2016


I Start Walking Tomorrow!

How are Y'all doing on your New Year's Resolutions? Well, honestly, mine got postponed a tiny bit because our Holidays didn't really end until my sweet Sis left to travel home to Ohio the other day. 
Image result for sisters saying goodbye

Then it was the weekend, and, well....Might as well begin the new schedule on Monday! ; )
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Today's goal is to complete this post and then get the remainder of the Christmas stuff back up into the attic...(Slight "Ugh"...)

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Finally, I will make a draft of this week's schedule. I've learned to give myself "permission" to have an alterable schedule. Once upon a time, long, long ago, this wasn't so...and it also wasn't pretty! I tend to be a very controlling, perfectionistic, visionary. 
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Of course I never live up to the standard myself. So, to make life around here more tolerable (and even GOOD!) for everyone concerned, I've decided to try to be more realistic

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This realism is based on many years of experience, trial and error, and failures---with a few successes thrown in for good measure. Now I actually believe we'd be considered to be just.....

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So here's to the beginning of your beautiful New Year! Hope that you can experience some of the dreams and goals come true that you have imagined. Please share this post if you liked it, and comment below with any contributions : )

Attic, here I come!

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