Friday, January 15, 2016

Image result for raining

PLAN "B"...

OK, so it's raining on your New Year's walking-for-fitness plan for today. What to do? Well...

...I just happen to have saved a plan to my phone that was created by a ballerina determined to return to condition after an injury some time ago. This plan looks like it would work for just about anyone who has been out of the fitness "loop" for awhile, and prefers a slow, stepwise, REALISTIC approach to getting back into the swing of things! I'm actually planning to do this each day before walking. There is a series of charts so that you can progress with your conditioning!
Goodbye baby fat!:
Find the rest of this series here:

Well, off I go to check on and feed the animals!...(Our goat does are due any day with their kids!!) I've already made black eye peas with peppers, onions, and turkey for dinner. I'll start the rice and get a loaf of bread in the machine a bit later. The laundry is humming away, my oldest daughter (27) is getting ready to head off to work (after just showing me her fabric finds and gifting me with this!):
Hmmm....What shall I make?

 My youngest daughter (soon to be 14!) is getting chores done and will be ready for one-on-one school time with me soon...Youngest son (20) is laboring away at a mill that he manages, and Dear Hubby is doing his Safety Professional thingy " )

Live Long...and Keep Reaching!
There is Beauty for Living " )

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Jeanette! I am still thinking about what to do with it... :-) thanks for posting a comment I'm glad you found me in Blogger world!

  2. Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone is my favorite indoor exercise program!

  3. Thank you for sharing Mary! I will have to look that one up as I'm not familiar with it... Maybe other readers will benefit as well. Hope you have a great day in your corner of the world��
